Monday, October 6, 2008

Hearts, Charts, and Finishing What I Start

Ok, so I am finally back to blogland! So much has been going on for us over at the shop, three new patterns (one each by your truly, Karen Walker, and welcoming Rheba Smith to the No Two Snowflakes team!) and one on the way by Karen called the Icicles Lace Wrap that is to die for! Karen's lovely shawls are all charted and are available for sale in my shop, and Rheba's Pretty Crew Sock is a great introductory pattern to those not yet addicted to sock knitting. Most exciting for me is the debut of my first sock pattern, The Rose Adagio Lace Sleep Sock, which has had so much kind response so far, thanks everyone! It's been a great week for hearts, we hit over 400 hearts on Etsy last week, and passed 50 hearts on the Rose Adagio this weekend on Ravelry, I am really feeling the love, and thanks Ravellers who made what was otherwise not the nicest week full of fun!
What's on the needles? What isn't! I need to catch a case of finish-itis, as lately I have had cast on fever! I started some socks with my Swingin' Handspun Singles yarn collaborated on with HowToUseArt's Tessa, I cast on a February Lady Sweater, which I am going to modify and do as a puff sleeve, I think, I am still at the bitty bottom of MS4 (gorgeous pattern though!), I am a third into my Convertible Cardigan, I finished my Red Running Robert Socks and my Cashmere Cami, but still have to do the last sleeve on Robert's First Birthday Sweater. Also, hints of patterns to come, I am working on a Maple Leaf Rag pattern (shh!) and a secret Nutcracker-themed Stole that we will hopefully have for Holiday! As far as stash enhancement goes I dyed some new Merino/Tencel for the next sock club pattern, I got some Merino Lace from Handpainted Yarn in a trade, and I am also expecting some Sea Silk in Autumn that I traded for-- oh how I love that stuff!
By far the best news this week-- Bobby will have Robert all day Thursday, and I think I smell a knitting machine debut!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Light Dusting Lace Club is back!

So, we are ready for round two of the lace club! I have changed the format a little so that members get enough lace in their mailing one month to do a larger project, but the club members still get (4) 100 gram skeins of lace over the course of the mailings, as well as the newest NTS lace scarf pattern! I hope to see some of our old members for round two, as well as some new faces :) Also, to read about some of our members' club experiences, check out our Ravelry Group!

It's been a crazy week! Expect to see a new sock pattern by Rheba Smith, a new Lace Wrap pattern by Karen Walker of Heirloom Lace, and possible a little surprise pattern from me... also, new merino and silk lace will become available this week, some new handspun (look for the hand dyed silk) and some more luxury alpaca sock-- plenty of great fiber for Christmas gifts!

Robert and I spent Sunday with his PopPopPop, shopping for birthday clothes and hanging out at the playground- Robert is walking up a storm, and today is 11 months for him... getting closer to the big day, and I need to go make invitations!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Falling In

Ok, autumn is getting underway and things are definitely getting hectic :) Ballet starts next week and I will be teaching Arabian, Marzipan, and Dolls, as well as Ballet, Jazz, Character, and a Lyrical Comp. class. I can't wait until Robert is old enough to dance! He will instead be taking Gymboree class soon, as (despite his generally lovely disposition) I think we need to make some progress in the "plays well with others" areas-- he has a little bit of only-child-itis! Bobby is back in school and taking Anatomy I, and I am working on the shop, at dancing, and at Petulia's Folly... Also, Mr. Robert will be having a first birthday soon, and will be having a picnic party at Rittenhouse Park!
I love this time of year, the change, the start of all new dances and all new projects! I find it so invigorating! I started my MS4 (wow, beading is SUCH a pain) and am working on the sleeves of Robert's B-day sweater, finishing my cashmere cami for work, and I am VERY eager to begin my Twinkle sweater... New in the shop this week, hand dyed superwash merino wool roving and some alpaca sock yarn, more silk lace to come :)
Next week-- lace club spots are going to open up! I am considering a new format for the lace club, we'll see how it goes? Also, I am going to open it to more people due to the large response I have had since opening this club :) Thanks so much to everyone in the present club, it has been really fun!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Up to my elbows-- again!

Wow, did a ton of dyeing today, silk and roving for the shop, some secret goodies for my Amazing Lace Swap partner, a bit of sock yarn, lace for the club, and some YUMMY wool/silk for Karen's newest pattern-- keep your eyes peeled for a winter-themed beauty! Bowed to the inevitable evil and FINALLY ordered wool for my winter cardigan, some Twinkle in butternut from Fabulous Yarn, I just can't WAIT to make the convertible cardigan from KnitKnit, which Bobby got for me yesterday. Also, battled the evil swallowtail and won-- reknit 4 rows of dropped stitches into nupps- haha! Overall a really great day, Bobby and I took Robert to the park and Old City, where I hit Vagabond to see the Stellapop knits, the Clay studio (some GORGEOUS new bowls by Hide Sadahora), the lovely new salon Moko for some incredible soap! Robert was an angel, as usual :) He got his back-to-school haircut and looks more like a real boy every day!Been organizing my glass supplies for the upcoming holiday orders and getting ready to order all my color-- yeah!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

MS4 Choices

Finally chose my MS4 supplies-- a No Two Snowflakes hand dyed cash/silk, and Czech crystal beads-- yum!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Just wanted to say how appreciative of all the peeps who have supported me since this business started-- I really couldn't ask for nicer new friends and customers, the lace club has been a ton of fun! Also I have really been enjoying Ravelry and how wonderful everyone there is, talk about the most amazing resource ever :)

So, what's on the needles? Hundreds of things! Still battling the nupps of the Swallowtail, cast on a hoodie for Robert, still working on his b-day sweater, my Cashmere Cami is almost finished, working on my handspun Fall Signature Scarf, about to start MS4, the Red Running Robert Socks and new Jojoland Socks- Phwew!

Loving my new job at Petulia's Folly, the Phillip Lim, Nicholas K, and Clu clothing is to DIE for! Working on getting the knitting machine up and running and starting the glassblowing Christmas orders... Brand new shop Hissyfits, run by Kevin and Erica Maher in Jenkintown, will have some handblown glass ornaments this year, as well as other No Two Snowflakes gifts... keep an eye out for some new and exciting jewelry designs!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's a Sickness!

Ok, so I don't just mean my obsessive need to make things... this week Robert and I have been a little under the weather :( He is feeling better, I am still trying to catch up! But good news, my knitting machine arrived! as well as a swap from awesome Etsian Sheknitigans, some lovely handspun and some hand dyed roving. Been busy getting together the sock and lace club shipments, and working on the sock club pattern-- hint, hint members, it is performance themed!
Also made way on my Cashmere Cami and Swallowtail, trying to get some things actually finished! Jaimee and Ron were down visting from NYC this weekend, as always so great to see them, and Karen and I have been hashing over the new lace pattern that is on it's way... wait till you see it, stunning! All in all a heavy work week, but hopefully full of progress! By the way, check out the sale on Handspun in my shop!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long Time, No Blog!

New Snowshoes Sock Club is here! Only 2 spots left!
Well, it's been a long time since I was last here blogging, busy busy as usual! Tons of dyeing, a lot of lace knitting, and some family time... Robert and I got back to AC for a day, and he also did the Please Touch Museum with his aunties from MA! I have been anxiously awaiting my new knitting machine, I am so ready to start making a bunch of clothes for winter! Got new cashmere for Ke's Christmas gift, started a Swallowtail in Noro Kureyon Sock ( as a test run for my mom's 50th b-day present), finishing up my Cashmere Cami and Robert's Claudia's Sweater hopefully in time for his birthday (and before he grows out of it!) Also, been busy with the lace club, getting the sock club started (test knitting the sock pattern for the club month 1) and hand dyeing new luxury silks and cashmeres for the shop-- and a cashmere lace for me for the MS4, which I just ordered some AB Czech glass beads for!

But most exciting of all, my Radio City Music Hall Lace Scarf
is up for Sale in my Etsy shop and on Ravelry, and we will soon be adding a beautiful spiral shawl pattern by Karen Walker of Heirloom Lace , check out her Etsy shop... Karen will be designing for No Two Snowflakes, and she is one talented lady!!! We are so lucky to have her lend her talents to creating heirloom lace shawls with our hand dyed yarns!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Christmas in July SALE in my shop!

Check it out! Tons of fiber happiness on Sale to help you start your holiday knitting... Sale goes until the end of July!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Countdown to AC!

Filling up the shop, packing the suitcases, and getting ready for my last class... Atlantic City here we come! Tons of new stuff in the shop, and more to come tomorrow!

Praying for Baby Nora... we love you guys!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Work Hard, Play Hard!! It's been awhile! Lace Club first shipment has gone out, we are finished with the early summer shows, and Robert, Bobby, and I are off to AC for Nationals next week! Last week Robert took First Place in the 4th of July Baby Parade and went to his first Carnival... he also took his first swim in the pool and played with cousin Shane in his baby pool. I have been working on my Atlantic City Camisole for vacation wearing, and dyeing up a storm-- more lace club, wholesale orders, and trying to stock the shop for holiday gift making... No Two Snowflakes will be collaborating with Heirloom Lace to create lace shawl kits this fall and Holiday, wait until you see the new designs, they are incredible! Also, hope to be releasing several new sock patterns and the Radio City Music Hall scarf at the end of July!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

No Two Snowflakes at the Kimmel!

Getting ready to have a great show this weekend at the Kimmel Center Solstice Celebration! Inliquid, a great artists network, got me involved, and here is the press release from them about what should be a fantastic time!

"Saturday, June 21, 3 pm to dawn at the Kimmel Center: 2008 Summer Solstice Celebration, 15 hours of live music and entertainment featuring R&B, classical, pop and jazz performances, as well as dance, hip h’opera, storytelling, jugglers, face-painting, and rooftop gardening demonstrations. InLiquid artists will hold an outdoor art/craft sale outside the Kimmel on Spruce Street from 2 to 7 pm. Admission $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 12 and under. 260 S. Broad Street on the Avenue of the Arts, Philadelphia."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ready for a Vacation!

Gearing up for Nationals at dancing, dyeing lots of yarn and brainstorming with Heirloom Knits for new lace and sock patterns for the shop! So excited, Heirloom Knits are beautiful, and so nice to deal with... Robert made Bobby a Father's Day present of great potential in terms of artistic tendency-- a handpainted (and footpainted) Tshirt. Today the Ten Minutes Ago class had a super fun night at Continental Midtown, Capo Giro, and shopping on Walnut Street!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

YART SALE!!!!!!!

This week many Etsy sellers are participating in an unofficial YART SALE to clean out shops and make way for new inventory! Most of what I have listed is fairly new, but I took $4 off a couple of items-- check them out and get them fast, it's only this week!

Dyepot Happiness

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Heat Wave

So so so so hot here the last two days! My brother graduated from high school, Robert and I went and Robert went swimming! Also, some great surprises in the mail, some tussah silk from inhope, some cash/wool, Schaeffer Elaine that I got in a trade, and some awesome cotton face scrubs that I bought on Etsy! I have been trying to spin enough fingering singles for my first swap, it takes forever! Also, been working out the sample for the lace club pattern, it is going very smoothly, just need to finish it up and I can finally cast on my Swan Lake shawl for my mom's 50th! I will be blowing glass this weekend, I have to gather all my tools and color and have everything ready... not quite sure what I want to make yet, but I am excited!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Spirit of Generosity

So, in my daily search for new materials to work with, to have, to hoard, I often feel very WANTING... wanting of something new or unattainable, desiring of luxurious items, hoping for an excess of influx that will allow me to kick back and acquire something exciting. I love the moment I find I've a package in the mail, I adore using new materials, I wallow in the accumulation of artistic supplies and tools. The question "do I really NEED it?" drives me crazy! In general, I want to be inspired!
Today I received a gift from an unexpected source: the opportunity to give someone a little bit of comfort, a reminder of how much I have and how little there is for me to ever feel wanting of. I have so many things to be thankful for, and it is easy to forget, to get caught up in wanting and having. I hope to carry this with me in my day-to-day, a sense of humility and gratefulness that I am often lacking. Thank you Grace, for reminding me!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Light Dusting NO TWO SNOWFLAKES LACEWEIGHT YARN CLUB Handdyed Lace of the Month Yarn Club

Here it is! The new Light Dusting Lace Club! I am doing a limited number of spots because I have many new projects in the works, but lately my love affair with lace has gotten more obsessive, and I just want to pet, dye, and knit lace! Here's to living vicariously through my customers!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, my weekend of craziness is FINALLY over! My students did a fantastic job on Saturday, I was really proud of them. Sunday was a stunning day at Art Star, perfect location, Megan and Erin are the best, so calm, organized, and professional, and the day went GREAT. Sales, and met a ton of super-nice people, lots of interesting conversations about lace and the handspun. My sister Katie was there in the booth with Robble, he had lemon water ice and was in his glory... what an angel! Also, great to see so many old friends and catch up-- a lovely show all around, and the location was the best, from my booth the river looked gorgeous! Can't wait for next year!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Preview! NEW Lace Yarn Club on it's way!

I will be opening up slots for a laceweight yarn club early next week! It will be a four month club, and members can choose from pastels, brights, jewel tones, or neutrals (or can have a combination of 2 or more!) More info to follow, but spots will be very limited!

Closed for Art Star

Today at noon I am closing my shop for the weekend because of the show and Art Star... I will reopen at night on Sunday! I will be re-stocking the shop Monday morning, I hope people will come by and check out all the new goodies, some new lace and handspun!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Ok, new show "shelving", a bunch of new handspun, tons of glass beads and jewelry, stitch markers, etc... trying to get the booth in good working order and feeling a little fried. I'll be glad when this weekend is over! Bobby will be working the booth Saturday, which is a relief. He is familiar with how things go, I have a lot of confidence in his ability to help people, and I will be dancing at the same time he's at the show! Been a bit slack with my Koresh hip hop classes because things have been so crazy, next week I'll be ready to go again, hopefully twice. I need to keep in shape for next year's Nutcracker if I think I will be able to dance Snow Queen. Robert is the best baby ever, so good for me today while I am preparing and so so so much fun!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Acts of Creation

So in the midst of all this super tedious work, I find myself asking the question I always come around to when I feel overwhelmed-- who in their right might would do such tedious work for so little financial reward, and why don't I get a real job? The obvious answers are all there, getting to be home with Robert, doing something different and the whole not-a-desk-job thing, but this morning as I'm contemplating putting together maybe hundreds of jump rings, I feel like I need more than that. I need some reassurance that 10's of thousands of Christmas ornaments and possibly several million knit stitches have done more than just make a living. I need to know that 12 years of teaching hundreds of kids to practice has done something for them. It's lame, but I want to know that I am building something. Even though I see examples of success all the time, there is a need for me to put it all together somehow. My studio is full of stuff, ribbons and fibers and beads and fluff, glass canes and tools and color and sculpture, point shoes and music and costumes and rhinestones. People talk about re-doing their artist statement every few years or so, but I see myself constantly redefining my life and my work. How often do you need to be able to say exactly who you are and where you are headed?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fiber Craziness

Wow! I have been doing nothing but dye, spin, tag, and photograph all week! (OK, and shop!) I finished Rebecca's Baby Jumper in time to send it for her shower, and I am working on my first foray into entrelac-- loving it so far, and I am very intrigued by all notions of short row shaping in any form. I will most likely spend tomorrow making up a bunch of glass jewelry, I have a whole series of teardrops waiting to be strung. Phwew!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Come See me at Art Star! Click image for info!

Awaiting Goodies

Gearing up for Art Star and waiting for some exciting trades to come in the mail-- 2 skeins of Tilli Thomas, 2 Cherry Tree Hill Orenburg Lace, Batts from RepoRebo on Etsy, Tussha Silk from Whorling Tides on Etsy, also some silk and some undyed laceweight... I am dyeing up a batch of alpaca, merino/silk and some superwash sock tomorrow most likely! It has been hard keeping the laceweight in my shop, and I was really excited to see Catspawlace's Mystic Light Shawl knit with alpaca I custom dyed for her! I am also working on some super-fun merino/tencel handspun... more to come!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back from the Big Apple

Saw my cousin graduate today, ate at two yummy restaurants Becca, and the Firebird, a Russian restaurant with incredible furnishing and museum-worthy ancient dance costumes in shadow boxes on the walls upstairs! Making progress on my new Baby Jumper pattern, which I hope to release in late June. Also ordered a ton of new undyed fiber and will be hitting the studio as soon as it arrives!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Busy Busy

So, we are back from our First Anniversary mini vaca in Barnegat Light and it's back to work for me! I am really busy getting ready for Art Star and our Dance to the Music's show as well (the same weekend-yikes!) and I am dancing in the show as well!

Baby Robert learned to crawl this week, and wants to eat everything in site! New foods this week-- avocado, honeydew melon, polenta, and miso soup!

I am spinning, dyeing, skeining, tagging, and photographing tons of new fiber! Lots of updates to my Etsy shop. I am also developing some new patterns for sale, and test-knitting! This week I started a handspun singles exchange on Ravelry called "Swingin' Handspun Singles!" so that other handspinners can collaborate! So far people seem excited... I am interested to see what we come up with!

Tomorrow I head to NYC to see my cousin graduate from New York Medical College, she has earned her master's. I would love to go to Habu while I am there but I think time will be limited.

No rest for the wicked!

New Blog!

Ok, this is it! My first blog. Even though I read tons of blogs, for some reason I didn't know about starting my own, but... here goes!